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Our mission

Support a sustainable future

Understand why we are more than a company

Tamara Braga CEO da empresa DiverCidade Business Hub

The creator and CEO of DiverCidade Business Hub is Tamara Braga: a loved and respected figure in the People Management sector. 

A chemical engineer by training and with several specializations in management, Tamara is now a professor and coordinator of postgraduate courses in Diversity and People Management. 

As CEO of the Hub, he directly coordinates all projects together with leading consultants to ensure the efficiency of the Hub's methodology.

Tamara Braga

People as strategy 

Our company arises from the need for an efficient review of people management and mainly the relevance of the topic within corporate strategies. The lack of a traditional perspective communicates a great difficulty: the lack of quantitative and measurable data about people. 

And so we were born as a solution that drives corporate development in a rational scenario, based on data and diverse in its strategies and approaches.

We have as the organization's main resources our technology front that captures, evaluates and translates people data and our instructional methodology. Together they carry out a detailed analysis of the scenarios, generate data and markers and make clear the attributions of management developments throughout the organization.

Mulher negra consultora de diversidade trabalhando em home office


Meet the Founders

Our founders who today sit next to great leaders, born in peripheral locations of Rio de Janeiro, Neurodivergent, mixed race and who managed to rise socially, but who refused to rise alone.


Tamara Braga

Creator and founder of the Hub, University Professor and Speaker

Tamara Braga CEO da empresa DiverCidade Business Hub


Paulo Rezende

Responsible for Hub Marketing, Corporate and Commercial Strategy

CSMO Paulo Rezende responsável por cuidar das áreas de estratégias, marketing, comercial e gestão administrativa


Pedro Naegele

Responsible for the operation of all Hub units

COO Pedro Naegele responsável pela área de operações da DiverCidade Business Hub

Our vision

We are a movement

Before becoming a business, DiverCidade was already organizing itself collectively because it believes in the power and need for a circular economy where people grow together. This mentality accompanies us throughout our journey, and is even the foundation of our deliveries to customers. 

DiverCidade has a 
partner professionals spread throughout Brazil and who respond, on a global level, to the most diverse corporate demands. This way, we keep the cycle alive, support each other and learn more and more while adding and developing our skills. 

Our movement is not just about diversity of appearances, but about diversity of experiences, life stories and, above all, the immeasurable uniqueness of each person. 

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